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Australian WordPress Support

The WP Copilot blog is where we share WordPress tips, tricks & tutorials. Posts are inspired by the most frequently asked questions from our WordPress support members, and the latest WordPress news. We cover WordPress security, performance, plugins, & themes.

How to change WordPress from US to British English

WordPress defaults to US English which is great if you’re targeting American visitors. But if you’re audience speaks British English then your website needs to “Speak their language”.

By using localized localised language and spelling, you’re more likely to make a connection with a geographic audience.

Grab a cup of tea and get yourself cozy cosy while I show you …

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Team-up Twitter and WordPress to Build Trust and Social Proof

Last week we showed you how to team-up Twitter and WordPress to amplify your content marketing and audience. This week we look at using Twitter and WordPress to build trust in your website.

Displaying Twitter feeds, tweets and statistics can build your authority by showing visitors you are followed, trusted and praised ...

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Team-up Twitter and WordPress to Amplify your Audience

There are 115 million people actively using Twitter every month, making it one of the top social media websites and a great tool for growing your business.

Our Twitter account @wpcopilotau is our main social media channel. We regularly tweet with our (awesome) followers, sharing interesting and entertaining content.

Twitter and WordPress can team-up to make it easier and ...

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Introducing our WordPress Support Time Log

WP Copilot members enjoy access to some of the best WordPress services in Australia. Monthly support time from our team of developers is included in our WordPress Support membership. Some clients like to keep support time up their sleeve as insurance should something unexpected occur, while others like to use it all to make continuous website improvements.

Either way it’s …

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5 Urgent Steps For Taking Over A WordPress Website

Have you bought a blog, or taken over a business with a WordPress website? There are a few things you should do, immediately, to ensure a smooth transition.

1. Get full access.

First things first, when you purchase a new home, handing over the keys is a pretty important step. A website equivalent is handing over all the login details …

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Stop WordPress Comment Spam In 5 Minutes

Because of WordPress’s roots as a blogging platform, it is perfect for interacting with visitors through blog comments.  Every blog post should have comments enabled to facilitate networking and sharing ideas, news, opinion, and information with visitors.

However, the WordPress comment system that comes with the basic installation will be problematic. Without taking a few easy steps you can quickly …

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How to take a website backup using cPanel

A smart business will run a scheduled backup of their website daily, weekly, and monthly and keep a copy offsite to ensure 100% redundancy. As well as scheduled backups there are other times when you should be taking a website backup. Typically cPanel is used to take WordPress website backups immediately before:

Transferring a website to a new hosting company,…

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