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Australian WordPress Support

The WP Copilot blog is where we share WordPress tips, tricks & tutorials. Posts are inspired by the most frequently asked questions from our WordPress support members, and the latest WordPress news. We cover WordPress security, performance, plugins, & themes.

Why you need a WordPress Backup Plugin

The ultimate nightmare situation for any website or online business owner is to lose website data and content without having a backup solution in place.

Often, content that performs well can take years and years to build up, and so it is important that you have a robust backup solution (and a tested plan) ready to go should the worst …

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Can I trust this website? 5 critical website trust factors

Before a website visitor is comfortable to make a purchase, subscribe to your newsletter, or even click on a page they will look for signs that your website is trustworthy..

A website must give people confidence in you, your business, and your products or services. A trustworthy website addresses these 5 critical website trust factors.

1. Does it look updated…

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The Complete Guide to Choosing WordPress Plugins

One of the most useful aspects of the WordPress CMS is just how customizable any website is when supported by this platform.

This flexibility in terms of design and functionality is in no small part down to the number of WordPress plugins that are available to expand and improve any WordPress website.

If the WordPress theme you have chosen for …

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5 Smart Ways To Monetise Your WordPress Blog

Do you have a WordPress blog? You might be overlooking some easy ways to generate a passive income.  Making money blogging might seem like a pipe dream, but it is achievable, and ultimately you’ll get out what you put it.

With a loyal readership in a particular niche, you have every possibility of earning real cash through your WordPress blog. …

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What Is WordPress and Why Should You Use It?

Chances are that you have already heard of the word “WordPress” but what does WordPress actually do? For many business website owners, WordPress has revolutionised the act of content creation and promoted new levels of consumer engagement across the web.

What exactly is WordPress?

WordPress was first launched back in 2003.

Originally, it was simply a platform that allowed users ...

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This WordPress social sharing plugin rocks!

Sharing content via social media platforms should be part of every marketing strategy.

Using a WordPress social sharing plugin is a great way to make sharing blog posts easy and attractive to your readers. Displaying a share counter acts as “social proof” that your content is relevant and engaging, encouraging even more sharing.

The exposure from social sharing can effectively …

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How to Embed Youtube Videos in WordPress

We all know the power of Youtube. With more than 1 billion unique users each month, the Youtube video platform is one of the most important and popular platforms for hosting content anywhere on the internet. And when you consider that Youtube is the world’s second most used search engine, it becomes obvious why creating video content and ...

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Beginners Guide to Essential WordPress Terms

As WordPress become increasingly user friendly more and more individuals or business owners are actively working on their own website. Ten years ago, simply editing a single webpage could require a great deal of technical expertise and coding knowledge. But with the WordPress CMS, anyone with basic computer skills can create and update website content as well as make simple …

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What are WordPress Permalinks? (and how to optimise them)

When it comes to optimising content for the web, the devil is in the detail. Of course, it is important to ensure that you are creating relevant and engaging content for your audience, but don’t forget the small things like making your permalinks readable by humans because these can often make or break your web ranking.

What is a permalink?…

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