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Australian WordPress Support

The WP Copilot blog is where we share WordPress tips, tricks & tutorials. Posts are inspired by the most frequently asked questions from our WordPress support members, and the latest WordPress news. We cover WordPress security, performance, plugins, & themes.

8 Sites With Free Images for Blogs & Social Media Posts

An incredibly important aspect of any WordPress blog or website are the images used within posts. Readers are often enticed to click through images posted on social media, and tend to steer away from text posts.

So choosing the best images for your blog is imperative!

You don’t need advanced photography or graphic design skills. You just need to know …

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How to Add Google Analytics to WordPress (Step by Step Guide)

Struggling with how to add Google Analytics to WordPress? Setting up a Google Analytics account isn’t especially complicated, but figuring out how to actually add the tracking code from Google Analytics to WordPress causes problems for many beginners.

If that sounds like you – you’re definitely not alone in feeling frustrated!

In this post, you’ll learn three different ways to …

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How to Fix The Error Establishing a Database Connection in WordPress

It’s a sinking feeling when you go to access your WordPress site only to be met with a big fat Error Establishing a Database Connection message.

If you’re reading this post, you’re probably experiencing it right now. You typed in your URL, hit enter, and…this:

What’s causing the problem? And is your site lost for good?

Don’t worry about that …

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WordPress.org Versus WordPress.com – What’s The Difference?

WordPress is one of the most simple to use and yet advanced website platforms available. Powering millions of websites, WordPress makes it easy to create a website and publish content online. But you may well have noticed that there are two kinds of WordPress sites out there – sites created with WordPress.org and sites created with WordPress.com. The ...

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WordPress 4.5 Released

Named “Coleman” in honour of jazz saxophonist Coleman Hawkins, WordPress 4.5 was released today. We’ve taken the new WordPress 4.5 features for a test run, in this post we look at the highlights you need to know about.

Login With An Email Address

We all have so many website accounts these days, from social media to online stores. It’s easy …

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Categories vs Tags: How do I use Them on my Blog?

Being a successful blogger entails more than just writing great content (although that’s extremely important, of course). You also need to think about the way that your content is organised, and how people (and search engines) are going to navigate and find your content.

This is where categories and tags come in.

How many WordPress categories should I have? Can …

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WordPress hacked? Clean and secure WordPress with minimal downtime

You’ve probably heard again and again that you need to take measures to keep your WordPress website secure. But do you really need to worry about WordPress being hacked? What are the threats exactly?

Once hackers gain access to a website there are a number of ways they can really mess things up for you.

The more politically motivated post …

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